A British YouTuber with over 69,000 subscribers has been handed a 27-month prison sentence for dangerous driving. The YouTuber, 25-year-old Adeel Habib, was behind the Certi Drivers channel and shared videos of him driving dangerously on public roads. The BBC notes that videos showed him hitting high speeds, racing other drivers, weaving in and out
Two people were killed when a Nio ET5 fell out of a multi-story parking garage in Shanghai, China, crashing down on the street below. The accident happened at Nio’s headquarters while two test drivers, one from Nio and another from a supplier, were inside the electric sedan. Observer reports that the incident happened at around
We have seen plenty of dashcam footage with slow drivers causing accidents on the highway, and in the latest, the driver of a previous-gen Hyundai Tucson pulls directly into the left lane of a main road somewhere in the US, causing a massive crash. The video we found on Reddit was recorded from a dashcam
The ‘Boaterhome’ is a weird vehicle that you may have never heard of but if you love getting out on the open water, it could be absolutely perfect. Just 21 examples of the Boaterhome were built in the 1980s. The vehicle combines a Ford Econoline van with a large 28-foot boat and can be driven
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Over the years, we’ve become quite accustomed to seeing cars modified with cheap and tacky-looking “upgrades” lifted straight from the shelves of AutoZone. Quite often, the cars are too cheap – unlike this Mercedes-Benz E400 4Matic Coupe. Prices for an E400 4Matic Coupe start at over $62,000 in the United States and you’d think that
Two men in Rochester, New York, have been arrested following a chaotic car chase that ended right in front of the house of a resident with a Ring security camera. Video from the camera that was shared on Reddit by user Saiits shows what appears to be a Nissan SUV rounding a corner at a
Cast your mind a couple of weeks and you might recall seeing the Jeep Wrangler flipping onto its side during an offset-impact crash test conducted by the IIHS. And that potentially dangerous result came after Stellantis had made changes to the Wrangler’s front chassis structure following its embarrassing fallabout performance in the agency’s 2020 test.
Driving a Chevrolet C8 Corvette on an open stretch of road sounds like fun but it was a terrifying experience for the driver depicted in the video below. In what appears to be a failed attempt at a powerslide or drifting the mid-engined rear-wheel-drive sportscar, the owner lost control and ended up crashing into the
The internet is awash in videos of children throwing or dropping soda bottles only for them to become little rockets. I didn’t realize that could also happen with fire extinguishers. A video recently posted to Reddit shows what happens when a fire extinguisher is dropped. The short clip opens on an already chaotic scene, as
Most petrolheads are anxious about parking their cars in public spaces due to the possibility of accidents occurring overnight, but this BMW owner from Germany had an even worse experience. Their 3-Series had been stripped off several components, including the entire front end and the dashboard, with estimated damages worth around €20,000 ($22,000). The incident
There are few things that grind our gears quite like impatient drivers, particularly when they cause stupid crashes like this one. Dashcam footage recently shared to Reddit captured shows the driver of a truck driving down a two-lane road when, all of a sudden, a silver Porsche Panamera comes into view. Despite this only being
What happens when you put a four-wheel-drive vehicle in reverse while driving? It’s a fleeting question that many might have asked while cruising down the road, but none is actually stupid enough to give it a shot. In the name of science, however, the YouTube channel AutoVlog answers the question using a 1994 Ford Ranger
The vast majority of us are little more than bystanders as a confluence of factors send gas prices into the stratosphere. There’s little that any of us can do but for one full-service station owner that’s not the case. He’s decided to stop buying fuel in protest of the situation which he blames on oil
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A group of teens celebrating a graduation recently learned a lesson that isn’t taught in schools: Doing a burnout in front of the police department is a really bad idea. While that should be common sense, the teens learned the hard way as they were arrested, fined, and had their vehicles impounded and then forfeited.
Earlier this week, a black Nissan Rogue slammed head-first into a FedEx delivery vehicle in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and while that alone isn’t very interesting, what makes this story intriguing is what the occupants of the Nissan were up to at the time. Officials from the Fort Lauderdale Fire Rescue who attended the scene claim
The average price of a gallon of gasoline is an astounding $5.214 in Michigan, which is an all-time high and a whopping $2.198 more than a year ago. That drastic price increase is effecting everyone, including the Isabella County Sheriff’s Office which revealed “We have exhausted what funds were budgeted for fuel with several months
A 38-year-old woman has been arrested in Malden, Massachusetts after stealing a police cruiser and leading authorities on a chase. It is understood the incident started at roughly 11 p.m. on Tuesday when an officer from the Malden Police parked his cruiser in front of a local police station while transporting a witness. The unnamed
Four men have been charged in connection with a series of crimes that include the theft of several Dodge and Jeep vehicles around Ohio and Michigan. FBI agents arrested Devin Rice, Hakim Benjamin, and Lavelle Jones last week, all of whom live in the Cleveland area. A fourth suspect, Jaylen Harris, has been charged as
A Minnesota woman and her child narrowly escaped death when a semi trailer drove into their disabled Chevrolet Silverado pickup truck at high speed on a busy freeway last week. Shocking footage shows the red pickup stationary in the middle of the three-lane I-35 before a black semi attempts to drive straight through it, causing
The latest entry into the rich library of Ford Mustang indiscretions has arrived. This time, a black Mustang has managed to drive off a raised parking lot and to land squarely on top of a poor, unsuspecting Tesla. Although the context is unclear from the photographs, photos posted to Reddit by u/mattmobb (claiming to be
Sideshows, where large groups of people gather to watch and cheer on drivers participating in illegal performance driving maneuvers, remain a problem for many cities. Now, the city of New Orleans is seeing a rise in the practice, also called “pop up shows”, and it’s searching for solutions. New videos emerging from the city show
We have seen some weird incidents involving high-powered sports cars and supercars over the years but this case involving a Porsche 911 GT2 RS is a little stranger than most. This particular video was recently filmed in Mexico and shows a white 911 GT2 RS stuck in a bunker of a golf course. Yes, a
Rear-wheel-drive cars are often the preferred drivetrain configuration for enthusiasts but if you own one and want to have some fun in it, getting some practice in a safe environment is a good idea. Evidently, the owner of this BMW 2-Series hasn’t had much practice and looks to have taken inspiration from all the Ford
I have a very distinct memory of being seven or eight years old and visiting a school science fair. For some reason, the one demonstration that really stuck with me through the years was on the strength of cylinders. To demonstrate, a student rolled a bunch of construction paper tubes, put them in a box,
We have seen plenty of videos from the Middle East with SUVs drifting or performing two-wheeler stunts on public roads, but the latest is a Land Cruiser-related accident that comes from a sandy beach in Pakistan. In a quest to show off, the driver managed to roll over the SUV on the shore, thankfully without
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